

There are so many different variations of Push-Ups that there really is no excuse not to incorporate at least one into your exercise routine to help strengthen and tone your upper-body.

For instance, regular Push-Ups with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart will primarily strengthen your chest, whilst also working your shoulders, triceps and core. 

But what if you want to focus more on your arms, are Push-Ups still a useful exercise?

Absolutely. The Tricep Push-Up, or Diamond Push-Up, is an advanced variation that does just that. By bringing the placement of your hands closer together it shifts the focus from your chest and engages your triceps much more.

Here’s some tips and pointers.

  • Start in a straight arm plank position with your hands directly under your chest, and your feet hip width apart.

  • Your thumbs and index fingers should touch to form a triangle or diamond shape.

  • Engage your abs and maintain tension in your glutes throughout.

  • As you lower down try to keep your elbows tight in.

  • You may need to adjust your hand position to keep your palms flat on the floor.

  • Don’t let your lower back sag down. Draw you hips to your belly button.

  • Just before your chest touches your hands, press back up to the start position.

  • As you press back up squeeze your abs and glutes to aid stability.

  • Don’t look ahead, look down towards the floor, this will help with alignment.

  • Increase the difficulty by bringing your feet together.

  • Aim for 8-12 reps and increase from there.

If you struggle with strength on this variation, or even if you feel your lower back sag, you may need to modify the exercise. This can be done simply by either dropping to your knees to perform them, or by placing your hands onto an elevated surface, like a bench.

In my opinion Push-Ups, and the many variations, are a great way to spice up your training.